Have you ever been proud of yourself? I haven’t always been proud of myself. I don’t actually remember ever being or feeling proud of myself until the last few years. I have recently discovered just how much of a people pleaser I am and how it affects like EVERYTHING I do and every decision I make. I saw a re-run of a Big Bang Theory episode where Leonard discovers that he’s a people pleaser. Penny encourages him to start making decisions and choosing what HE wants without regard to anyone else. He has a hard time with it and I could totally relate. It got me thinking. I’m proud of myself because I left my job. I am proud of myself because I’m making changes in my career. I chose that MYSELF. I decided what was important to ME and didn’t give up. I interviewed for 5 jobs! and the 5th one I got an offer! I took it even though in other peoples’ eyes it wouldn’t be as “good” as the job I had. I’m proud of myself for sticking to it.